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Designtech, podcast – Cofactory opening

Designtech podcast at Cofactory opening by Valerio Cometti + V12 Design


We are very happy to share this episode of the podcast recorded at the opening of the Cofactory at Designtech Milano.


Designtech podcast at Cofactory opening by Valerio Cometti + V12 Design


With three other special guests and entrepreneurs, we tried to explain, through our personal experiences, what is the strategic role of creativity, becoming part of the reality of Cofactory, an aggregation point for companies, startups and creatives that every day spread the culture of Made in Italy design.

It was a very inspiring event that made us even more aware of how places like Cofactory can not only change cities, but also encourage us creatives to do more and more to support positive change around the world!


Designtech podcast at Cofactory opening by Valerio Cometti + V12 Design


Special thanks to Ivan Tallarico, Alessandro De Cillis, L. Emil Abirascid and Patrizia Vavassori, founder, partner and operations team of DesignTech.

Enjoy the episode and let us know your personal perspective!