Empathic Design Where does a project that generates value and profit come from?
Generating value for businesses is only possible by understanding the target audience that businesses are addressing. Expectations and desires are variables that need a magnifying glass to be revealed and translated into meaningful solutions.
Here at V12 Design we apply Human-Centered Design to every project we develop. Observation and research in the field, interviews with management, focus groups with involved stakeholders, and online surveys are the tools we use to identify and explore the issues that most affect individuals and their lives. We are a group of creatives and visionaries, but the vision needs to be reinforced with reliable analysis and tools.
Qualitative and quantitative research tools allow us to collect information and data that our team translates into possible future scenarios, business directions, style and technology trends. In addition to the specific analysis dedicated to each individual project, we constantly study people’s behaviors, new trends and cutting-edge solutions.
Once we have analyzed the target audience and potential consumers, both in B2B and B2C, we proceed to create user personas to define the profiles to whom the client company is targeting and wishes to speak.
The personalities, interests, goals, and expectations that unite large groups or particular niches within the target audience become the starting point on which to develop the entire project. User personas are presented as a simple card that describes and portrays a specific type of user. The user shown does not really exist, but becomes an expression of real dreams and behaviors.
Any new product, service or brand that we design together with our clients is anticipated by careful analysis of the competitors that the companies we collaborate with will face. Investigating the market and the competition to identify possible positioning and communication strategies is essential to ensure competitive differential for our clients.