V12 AcademyWe wish to convey the designer’s approach and skills to companies.

Valerio Cometti speaking about Space Economy at TEDxBergamo 2021

Having worked with companies from very different nations and cultures and dealing with heterogeneous business sectors for nearly 20 years, today our team has gathered a wealth of experience and knowledge deemed of great interest both by company managers and academics.

V12 Academy webinars and workshops about innovation and new trends
V12 Academy webinars and workshops about Human Centered Design
V12 Academy webinars and workshops about innovation and new trends

V12 Academy experience:

V12 Academy webinars and workshops about innovation and new trends

01 Listening

The courses we offer begin with success stories and case studies whose goal is always to inspire and intrigue our audience. We allow participants to learn about the most important theoretical concepts and then put them into practice with awareness.

02 Absorbing

We let participants metabolize the information received, translating and integrating it into their own specific business context. There are no universal theories and one-fits-all solutions in business, and it is therefore very important that everyone absorbs the methods learned from their own point of view.

V12 Academy webinars and workshops about customer experience
Lego Serious Play methodology and tools for workshops and co-design sessions with the team of Valerio Cometti + V12 Design

03 Testing

Using specially designed tools and exercises experienced in groups, we guide participants in putting the notions they have heard into practice. Our approach is “learning by doing”: V12 Design offers Design Thinking sessions and participatory strategic development workshops using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and materials.

04 Sharing

We give teams the opportunity to present their work so they can receive valuable feedback from their colleagues. The design thinking process is iterative, so it becomes critical to spread a positive feedback culture, to know how to give and receive suggestions to continuously implement the project.

V12 Academy webinars and workshops about customer experience


Seminars & Workshops on the following topics:

> Product design

> Empathic design

> Design thinking

> Customer & employee experience Thinking

Our speakers

Valerio Cometti, founder of V12 Design, and Marco Generali, associate director, teach seminars, workshops and coaching sessions in both university and corporate settings.

V12 Academy speaker Valerio Cometti

Valerio Cometti

He leads training workshops at our clients’ headquarters, is a guest at round tables and symposia on the themes of innovation, new trends and creativity, and holds monographic lectures at the Politecnico di Milano, the Design School of the Istituto Marangoni in Milan and the New Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. Valerio Cometti also participated as a speaker at TEDxBergamo 2021, talking about Space Economy.

Marco Generali

Management engineer by training, he is an adjunct professor at the Politecnico di Milano for the disciplines of “design project management” and “design for kids and toys,” as well as a visiting professor at the Lan Tao Culture Institute in Beijing. As a mentor at PoliHub, the business and innovation accelerator of Politecnico di Milano, he helps DeepTech startups better define their business model. In addition, Marco Generali is trained facilitator of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and materials.

V12 Academy speaker Marco Generali

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© 2023 The LEGO Group

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Visit the V12 Academy website

Some companies that have chosen V12 Academy courses:

LaCimbali logo
Q8 logo